Prayer Energy

As disconnected human beings, we tend to overthink or disregard the most preeminent powers of God and the divine blessings he places upon us. Prayer allows us to harness an energy that surpasses understanding and to rest in the providence of God and His wisdom.

I remember standing over momma as she rests on her sick bed.  With both eyes closed and both hands raised to an abhaya mudra, I began to pray from the inside; from one of my inner dwellings.  I don’t recall the words of prayer.  I don’t recall whether I even spoke words.  I think the prayer was an outwardly silent yet inwardly wailing shout of praise.  As I released this prayer, I released and vesseled energies from, into and through my being. As I received these consolations, momma gently pressed her feeble hands against mine and wrapped some of her fingers around mine.  My heart was overwhelmed with undeniable love. Momma’s strength endured for only a few seconds before she pulled her hands back down to her tummy. I released myself from the energy portal, opened my eyes and watched her as she lay peacefully with her eyes shut.  I wonder, did she open her eyes and see me praying at her bedside or did she feel me connecting to the spiritual.  It is divine moments like this one that subtly enter into our space here on earth to strengthen us to carry out or adhere to God’s will.

I must confess my love for God for giving me the honorable assignment of caring for my mom, for calling me to prayer and for giving me spiritual consolations. I thank God for allowing me to harness the energy of prayer and to experience one of the sweetest and most pure moments in my life since giving birth to my two children.

Me Time

I never take for granted opportunities for some me time. Time to drench our home in some burning sage, burn a sweet scented candle and crack open a book to help me examine my conscience. And, I can’t forget about my warm tea. Yeah me!

Spur My Will Towards Heaven


Momma Julia Adams Full Casket Spray
Momma Julia

Our Queen has entered the sweetest garden of her desire. We celebrate the new bride as she rests in the delight of the heavens. O love, my Beloved, you tenderly and so exquisitely wound me.

Momma, you are the constant subject of my thoughts and meditation all the day long, day after day. Not for all the light or darkness of the worlds do I ever wanna lose myself; still I mourn. I’ve come to know that love works in me when things go well or badly.

You have been a part of my inner and outer life, knowing all of my dreams and prayers before I pray, and you’ve always prayed with me and for me.

It’s a paradox but I embrace this flame of love that burns my heart. God allowed me to experience your motherly love for two score and ten years with very few regrets. You spur my will towards heaven all the more realizing the works of God in your life and death and realizing the grace God poured into you. Through all things, you were the epitome of class and royalty. Take your sweet, sweet rest now Momma. I love you to eternity.

Maca & Sea Moss

I’ve been hearing so many great things about the benefits of sea moss, I decided to give it a try. This pic sums up my mood this morning: love energy that’s connected to earth and fluid like water that burns like fire into the ethos and radiates from every part of me… healthily. ….hmmmm that’s my mantra for today! As I sip on this maca root tea and sea moss, I’ll connect with this love vibration.

A Coffee Kitchen

Though not a quiet place, the energy here is light and positive. Overlapping conversations ring in my ears. The men talk money, power, business. The women speak of houses, children, money, and education. Me, I’m just enjoying my mocha and warm banana nut bread wondering… what’s next for us, God.

Moments Like This

This is one of those photos that remind me of just how priceless some things truly are. I’m so blessed to have experienced this bond between these two beautiful light beings God has so blessed me to nuture and serve. I love these two into infinity!

After watching KJ’s Brazilian Jujitsu classes, Zamiri decided to join as well. Here’s KJ teaching her to tie her belt right before her first class. This is definitely a new challenge for Zamiri and KJ was so proud of her this day; so proud to help his big sister! It’s usually the other way around. I’m so in awe of the two.

Unstruck Heart

One of the things I love about yoga is that through the flow of breath the body is awakened. A focus on the breath releases emotion. Sometimes I cry on the inside. Other times I smile on the outside. I’m most in awe when my body lets me in to the tense spots when it melts away those blockages that tells my lower self I can’t. The works through all the poses, all the flows, all the tight spots are no comparison to the works of the heart. Love, forgiveness, gratitude, clarity, inspiration, compassion, trust, confidence, awakenings, focus, insight and so much more are rooted and quite often concealed in the heart. Yoga allows me to keep my heart clear, unbeaten, and unstruck by the nuisances of life. Whenever I get in a tight spot in yoga or in life in general, I send air to my heart and just breathe.

The Mystical City of God


I have a deep affinity for 16th century spirituality and mystical readings.  On one of my favorite nights of the week, I opened the door to the lobby of the chapel for this man of whom I noticed was carrying a book that I had began to read but never finished.  As we sat silently in the chapel, I could sense his energy so much so that I waited for him to leave the chapel so that I could follow him out into the lobby.  I said, “Excuse me, sir.”  Immediately, I knew I had penetrated his energy field but I just had to tell him how much in awe I was of him having gotten a hold of such a beautiful writing.  His eyes welled with tears as he shared the same sentiments and told me about how in awe he was of Jesus.  We spoke briefly and went our separate ways.  I haven’t even gotten to the part of the book that tells about Jesus’ life.  I am still stuck on the childhood of Mary and her upbringing.  This book sheds so much more light on what grace really means. I am fascinated by the spiritual mysteries shared in this book.  The grace that God poured upon Mary is more than a noun; it is an indescribable experience that intertwines with this immeasurable, infinite love.